We need 2400 signatures of registered Melrose voters to put the Red Raider nickname on the ballot in November. We are well on our way but need your help. Let’s let the people decide.
On Saturday, April 23rd, join us in a signature drive from 1:00PM-4:00PM. We’ve been receiving really positive feedback during our signature gathering thus far. We are well on our way - but still, need your help!
Meet up at Ward Hamilton’s (MHS 1990) shop at 165 Tremont Street, in the back (located right behind the Fred Green Field bleachers). Each person will be asked to sign a petition and help gather more signatures throughout the city. We have pre-printed petitions with street and registered voter names - you’ll just need to get the signature. EVEN IF YOU CAN’T HELP GATHER… YOU CAN STILL COME AND SIGN!!
You do not need to be a registered voter in Melrose to help us GATHER signatures.
We’ll be welcoming everyone back by 4PM for food and refreshments!
With your help, we can let the people decide.
Do you have an online petition that I can sign? I may not be around to sign on Saturday, due to sporting events.